An Update on Kevin’s Training – Week Beginning 15th April 2024

Following last months update on his training for the upcoming Hyrox Events in May, Kevin has shared a progress on how his training and recovery is going.

Training Following a 10k Race

Kevin discusses the training he has been doing following a 10k race the previous weekend.

In the video, Kevin had just completed a 10 mile run where he would have a light 5 mile run followed by a quicker 1 mile at ‘race-pace’, followed by another 2 miles of easy pace and 2 miles of race pace.

He has also started to introduce interval running on the treadmill so he can gauge what pace he is running at, as well as some Hyrox-specific strength training.

How to Take Care of Your Body If You Feel Injured

Regarding the injury preventions he discusses the slight issues he has had with his biceps and hamstrings due to the training. he discusses that he is beginning to rest a bit more to prevent any further strains.

He also discusses that if he does have any bruising or swelling due to a injury, you should follow the POLICE acronym of protect, optimal loading, ice compression and elevation and to not continue to train or cause further strain.

He also says timing is important is very important and to set good time for warmups and cooldowns as well as stretching following trainign and to keep himself well fed and hydrated.

If you are training for a upcoming sports event or are currently experiencing a injury, then please get in touch. At Central Health, we offer a range of healthcare services in Derby such as physio, private GP and occupational health services. 


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