Osteopath Frequently Asked Questions

Osteopathy FAQ

Osteopathy is a system of healthcare that focuses on conditions and the treatment of the parts of the body that move – the muscles, joints, nerves, and connective tissue through hands on treatment, and the prescription of movements or exercises. Osteopaths also understand and consider as well how other aspects of a person’s health – digestive health, lifestyle, sleep, exercise, or other health conditions etc, can impact the conditions.
Osteopaths are Allied Healthcare Professionals, legally regulated by the General Osteopathic Council ensuring high standards of care. To become an Osteopath a person must undertake at least four years of full-time university study, plus any prerequisites. Central Osteopaths Head Osteopath Matt Penman has a Masters Degree in Osteopaths, and is registered with the Institute of Osteopathy a voluntary organisation pursuing excellence in clinical care.
You do not need a referral to see and Osteopath. Osteopaths are trained in triage – so if your complaint can not be helped by an Osteopath they will be able to recognise this and advise you further. Osteopaths specialise in the treatment of muscle and joint pain; and certain types of nerve pains such as sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome, or other entrapment neuropathies. Osteopathic treatment is safe, and tailored to each individual – so whether you are 18 or 80 we can make sure that you get the care you need.
In your first appointment we will explore both your medical history and the details of your complaint to ensure we have a thorough understanding of your health and what may be relevant. Physical/biomechanical examination will then follow to allow us to make a diagnosis. Often examination involves the removal of some items of clothing – some people choose to bring some sports shorts or vest tops if they prefer, or even if you would rather remain fully covered with can try to work around this – your choice and comfort is paramount. The first appointment will be one hour long which allows time for treatment as well as examination – except in rare cases where treatment is not appropriate.

Occupational Health Services

How We Can

We provide high-quality, evidence based management of a wide range of complaints, including back problems sciatica, neck pain, shoulders, hips, knees and sports injuries


Your Osteopath will provide an accurate diagnosis and discuss a treatment plan, which may include hands on treatment, exercise prescription and dietary and other lifestyle advice


At Central Osteopaths our team can assess and treat almost all Sports Injury conditions. They will take you through a thorough assessment to try and work out the main sports injury based diagnosis


We Are Fully Accredited