Couch to 10K Training Plan – Final Week 13


Congratulations! You’ve reached the final week of Couch to Central Health Derby 10K Training Plan!

This week it’s time to taper off the actual training to ensure you’re well rested and feeling fresh on race day.  We recommend two sessions, as outlined below, and suggest that you have at least one rest day (i.e. Saturday) immediately prior to race day.

If you’re itching to do more, keep any additional sessions short and low intensity. It’s too late now to improve your fitness, but certainly not too late to jeopardise your race by overdoing things.

We also want to take the opportunity this week to share some DOs and DON’Ts for the next few days, to help ensure you have a good race.


Get plenty of sleep, especially on Saturday night.

Set out ALL of your race day kit the day before.

Give yourself plenty of time to get to the start.


Cram in lots of extra last minute training.

Over eat or eat something you don’t normally have on Friday/Saturday.

Forget your race number/timing chip on Sunday!

Week 13 Recommended Training Sessions

  • Session 1

Warm Up

5 minutes brisk walking

Main Session

Run 5 mins, easy jog 2 mins

Run 20 mins, easy jog 2 mins: twice

Total running time = 45 mins

Cool Down

5 minutes walking, gradually reducing pace

Total Time 59 mins

  • Session 2

Warm Up

5 minutes brisk walking

Main Session

Run 30 mins

Cool Down

5 minutes walking, gradually reducing pace

Total Time 40 mins

We hope you have found our training plan useful and informative, and would like to thank our coach Andy Brooks. If you want any coaching support to help you train for future events, Andy, can be contacted via or through his website

Finally, have a great race and enjoy the atmosphere!



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